These are five of the most exclusive select programs where B Luxe Escapes can deliver a unique experience for your next trip. Even if you are at the highest level of a hotel’s loyalty program, most of these perks you cannot get on your own. I’ve built solid relationships with many travel suppliers as a […]

Luxury Travel, Travel Advisor

January 26, 2022

Exclusive Hotel Programs

Have you ever booked a vacation online to a new destination, only to be disappointed that the pictures online did not match what you saw in person? Spending hours online going down the search engine black hole and ultimately starting back at ground zero? In a world full of busy schedules and ever-changing COVID-19 rules, […]

Luxury Travel, Travel Advisor

December 1, 2021

5 Reasons You Should Be Using a Travel Advisor in 2021 and Beyond

About B Luxe Travel

When inspiration grows into an undying dedication to an idea, great businesses are born. That couldn’t be truer for B Luxe Escapes. Founded from an affinity for luxury travel and memorable experiences, B Luxe Escapes was created to meet the aspirations of every kind of traveler — giving more people more opportunities to see and enjoy the world.